
Currently, you can install Komodo downloading binaries or building from source.

Download binaries

There are pre-compiled binaries for x86-64 Linux here. If this is not your architecture, you will have to build from source.

You can use this to install Komodo for all users (requires root access):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

You can also install Komodo (only for your user) with these commands:

chmod +x komodo
mv komodo $HOME/.local/bin

Build from source

You can build and install Komodo using the Rust infrastructure. Komodo is not published in, so you will have to clone the GitHub repository. To run the following commands you must have Rust installed.

git clone
cd komodo/core
cargo build --release
chmod +x target/release/komodo
cp target/release/komodo $HOME/.local/bin

Now you should be able to use Komodo from the command line with the komodo command.

Alternatively, you can try Komodo by running cargo run --all-features in the komodo/core directory.